For new mothers, I know how challenging it is to resist the stereotypes that surround the desi household. But, to be responsible mothers and provide our children with the finest upbringing possible, we need to put all these myths at rest. Today let’s look into one of the hardest yet most sensitive aspects of being a parent which is, a crying and restless baby. When babies cry, their mothers are told to give them a little bit of Panadol to make them feel better as they must be in discomfort. Mothers are the only ones who truly understand how difficult it is when they see their little one crying ad wailing. We think that the child is crying because they are in pain, therefore a mother’s first thought is Panadol is the solution.
Does Panadol Relieve a Crying Baby
On contrary to a widespread belief and something that’s frequently told to us, Panadol isn’t always the solution to a crying baby. Infants express their distress through crying which is the only language they know, which can be caused by a variety of factors, including hunger, pain, or simply being tired. The majority of a healthy, typical baby’s crying, however, occurs in the first three months of life. Nonetheless, it’s interesting to note that in the first few months, separation anxiety from their mothers is the main cause of infant crying.
Is it True that Panadol is the Solution Every Time They Cry
A newborn may initially be always asleep and cry less since it takes them some time to adjust to life outside the womb, but as they become older, they start to become more sensitive to their surroundings. Therefore, it makes sense that babies who are three to four weeks old cry a lot. Mommies don’t deprive the baby of those priceless moments of intimacy since sometimes all they need is your warm embrace and a few delicate moments with you. But as we talk about crying, A parent’s quick response to a newborn in need is a tendency to respond that guarantees the survival of the child. Also, it is fairly common for parents to give their babies Panadol if they notice them crying.
Since this medication is thought to be relatively safe for infants, which might not even be the answer to the real issue causing your baby’s crying. Since panadol blocks newborns’ pain receptors, it has analgesic benefits by reducing their sensitivity to discomfort and pain. But, the real threat comes from giving your infant Panadol each time they complain of discomfort rather than working on the underlying cause. Panadol is given to babies on a fairly casual basis since mothers use it so frequently that it is no longer considered a medicine. Yet, it is a truth that you must be careful while adjusting the medication dosage for your baby’s age and weight.
Why are these Crying Spells Occurring?
A mother should be able to recognize when the baby is crying out of hunger or due to pain and when she should use Panadol or any other medications, Panadol relieves pain and helps overcome the fever but as parents, we give it to our infants in a hope that somehow it will fix everything. It is not always that your baby is actually crying out of pain sometimes they are hungry or simply overfed. Physicians say the most common reasons why babies cry are:
- The baby could be just tired and sleepy, a tired baby gets from the point of being happy giggling and playing with you to screaming at the top of their lungs in just no time.
- Your baby might have a mild temperature.
- Your baby may be overfed and feeling bloated.
- Another common cause can be teething and it’s most common if your baby is around 3-6 months of age.
- Other common causes can be ear infections, skin rash due to wet nappies, or simply headaches.
Now let’s look at when you can give your child Panadol. According to the instructions on the box, Panadol can be given to children as young as 2 months old in the proper amount every 4 hours if necessary.
Remember that you can only administer Panadol four times in a 24-hour period. It is quite beneficial to speak with your doctor before administering medication. Since the dosage of Panadol your infant requires depends on its age, weight, and medication formula.
Mothers, remember these considerations before administering any medications to their children unless you have first sought advice from a medical professional.
- If your child has a high temperature and is younger than 6 months old, always seek medical care before giving them any suggested medications.
- If you suspect that your infant is not getting enough water and is dehydrated. Your baby’s insufficient feedings and fewer than two daily wet diapers are signs of this dehydration.
- If you and your partner are unable to calm or console your child if they are weeping nonstop at a higher pitch than usual,
- The fever lasts for more than 5 days or a week.
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